
Responses of soil oribatid mite diversity in black soil farmland to different tillage practices

  • 摘要: 保护性耕作具有保水改土、增产增收和改善生态环境的综合效益,然而目前缺乏其对土壤生物多样性的影响评估。土壤甲螨作为土壤生物的重要组成部分,对土壤环境变化敏感,能够指示土壤健康状况。为阐明土壤动物对保护性耕作的响应,在吉林省农安县保护性耕作试验田,以土壤甲螨为研究对象,比较了常规耕作(CT)、宽窄行免耕(WN)和条带耕作(ST)下土壤甲螨多样性及分布特征。通过形态学鉴定和数量统计,3种耕作方式下共采集土壤甲螨13068头,隶属于24科26属28种。数据分析表明,ST下土壤甲螨个体数和类群数最高。非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)和群落相似性分析(ANOSIM)表明,CT和WN下土壤甲螨群落结构均与ST显著不同;相似性百分比分析表明,CT和WN间土壤甲螨群落差异最大贡献物种为马氏顶甲螨Tectoribates mahunkai,CT和ST间为小上罗甲螨大洋亚种Epilohmannia (Epilohmannia) minuta pacifica,WN和ST间则为尼兰莫小奥甲螨OppiellaMoritzoppiellaneerlandica。不同耕作方式下土壤甲螨群落beta多样性的主要成分是物种丰富度差异组分(RichDiff)。指示物种分析表明,土壤甲螨可作为农田不同保护性耕作方式的指示生物,其中ST下指示物种共有5种。总体而言,相较于CT和WN,ST更利于增加土壤甲螨密度和丰富度,对黑土区土壤动物多样性保护具有重要意义。


    Abstract: Conservation tillage offers comprehensive benefits, including water retention, soil improvement, increased yield, and enhanced ecological environment. However, there is currently a lack of evaluation regarding its impact on soil biodiversity. Soil oribatid mites, an important component of soil biota, are sensitive to changes in the soil environment and can reflect soil health status. To elucidate the response of soil oribatid mites to conservation tillage, a study was conducted in a conservation tillage experimental field in Nong'an County, Jilin Province. We compared the diversity and distribution characteristics of soil oribatid mites under three tillage practices: conventional tillage (CT), wide-narrow row no-tillage (WN), and strip tillage (ST). A total of 13,068 soil oribatid mites, belonging to 24 families, 26 genera, and 28 species, were collected and identified. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) revealed significant differences in soil oribatid mite community structure between CT and WN compared to ST. Similarity percentage analysis indicated that the species contributing most to the differences between CT and WN was the Tectoribates mahunkai, between CT and ST was the Epilohmannia (Epilohmannia) minuta pacifica, and between WN and ST was the Oppiella (Moritzoppiella) neerlandica. The primary component of beta diversity in soil oribatid mite communities across different tillage practices was the species richness difference component (RichDiff). Indicator species analysis identified soil oribatid mites as indicators of different conservation tillage practices in farmland, five indicator species were found under ST. Overall, compared to CT and WN, ST is more conducive to increasing soil oribatid mite density and species richness, which is of significance for the conservation of soil biodiversity in the black soil region.


