
Effects of selenium with different selenium-cadmium molar ratios on cadmium transport and translocation in cadmium-contaminated soil of rice

  • 摘要: 为探讨不同硒镉摩尔比下硒对水稻生长发育及镉吸收累积的影响,采用盆栽试验,设置不同硒镉摩尔比值1 ~ 6(T1 ~ T6),分析不同硒镉摩尔比下水稻植株保护性酶活、叶绿素含量、生物量及不同部位硒镉含量的差异。结果表明,随着硒镉摩尔比值的增加,土壤pH值呈先增后减,在摩尔比为2时达到最大值(5.15)。土壤有效镉含量呈波浪式变化,摩尔比为2和4时降到最低(0.58 mg·kg−1)。对比T1,T2 ~ T6丙二醛(MDA)含量降低幅度达4.31% ~ 16.5%,谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)增加了5.04% ~ 22. 6%,过氧化物酶(POD)增加了4.38% ~ 13.5%,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)增幅达1.75% ~ 14.6%(T5除外),过氧化氢酶(CAT)增加0.59% ~ 18.2%。而T2 ~ T6处理时叶绿素含量、籽粒和秸秆产量与T1均无显著差异。随着硒镉摩尔比值的增加,水稻植株硒含量显著增加,但T2 ~ T6处理根和秸秆镉含量与T1均无显著差异,糙米镉含量则先增后减,T5和T6处理的糙米镉含量低于国家限量标准,分别为0.17 mg·kg−1和0.19 mg·kg−1。相关性分析结果表明,糙米镉含量与秸秆硒含量、TFSe-ros呈显著负相关关系(P<0.05),与秸秆镉含量、叶绿素含量呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05)。施硒提高了水稻植株中保护酶活性,增强了对镉胁迫的抗逆性,抑制地上部秸秆的镉积累,减少镉向糙米中的转运,有效降低了水稻植株糙米中的镉含量。


    Abstract: To clarify the differences in the effects of selenium on growth and uptake of cadmium with different selenium-cadmium molar ratios in cadmium-contaminated soil of paddy rice, a pot experiment was set up with 1 - 6 selenium-cadmium molar ratio treatments named T1 ~ T6. The variations in the soil pH and available cadmium content, the differences in protective enzyme activities, chlorophyll content, biomass, selenium and cadmium content of different parts of the rice plant were analyzed. As the molar ratio of selenium to cadmium increased, the soil pH showed an increasing and then decreasing trend, reaching a maximum value (5.15) with the T2 treatment, and the available cadmium in the soil showed a wave-like change, reaching a minimum point (0.58 mg·kg−1) with the T2 and T4 treatments. Compared to the T1 treatment, T2 - T6 treatments showed a decrease in MDA content ranging from 4.31% to 16.5%, an increase in GPx enzyme activity ranging from 5.04% to 22.6%, an increase in POD enzyme activity ranging from 4.38% to 13.5%, an increase in SOD enzyme activity ranging from 1.75% to 14.6% (except for T5), and an increase in CAT enzyme activity ranging from 0.59% to 18.2%. While T2 ~ T6 treatments were not significantly different from T1 in terms of chlorophyll content, brown rice and straw yield. With the increase of selenium-cadmium molar ratio, the selenium content of rice plants increased significantly, but the cadmium content in roots and straw with T2 - T6 treatments were not significantly different from T1. The cadmium content of brown rice increased and then decreased, and the cadmium content of brown rice of T5 and T6 treatments was lower than the national limit standard, which was 0.17 mg·kg−1 and 0.19 mg·kg−1, respectively. Brown rice Cd content was significantly negatively correlated with straw Se and TFSe-ros but significantly positively correlated with straw Cd and chlorophyll. This study finds that selenium application increases the activity of protective enzymes in rice plants, enhances the resistance to cadmium stress, inhibits the accumulation of cadmium in aboveground straw and its transport to brown rice, and effectively reduces the accumulation of cadmium in brown rice of rice plants.


