
A review of soil acidification: principles, risk and mitigation measures in farmland

  • 摘要: 土壤酸化是农田土壤退化的表现形式之一,影响作物生产。自然条件下,土壤酸化是一个非常缓慢的过程,但由于人类活动引起的酸沉降,尤其是化肥过量施用和不合理耕作等因素,农田土壤酸化趋势正在加速。本文阐述了造成土壤酸化的基本原理,综述了不同国家及地区长期定位试验针对土壤酸化的研究结果,分析了我国农田土壤酸化趋势;总结了不同类型农田土壤酸化对土壤微生物、土壤理化性质、作物生长的危害;梳理了不同控制类实验的研究结果,讨论了施用碱性土壤改良剂、生物炭、有机肥对缓解土壤酸化的作用;最后展望了农田土壤酸化研究需要加强的可能方向。


    Abstract: Soil acidification is one form of farmland soil degradation and poses a threat to crop production. Under natural conditions, soil acidification is a relatively slow process. However, anthropogenic activities, such as acid deposition, especially excessive fertilization and improper farming managements have accelerated acidification process. This review elucidates the fundamental principles behind soil acidification, assesses the research findings from long-term field experiments on soil acidification in different countries or regions, and analyzes the trend of acidification of farmland soils in China. The paper summarizes the adverse effect of soil acidification on different types of agricultural soils regarding soil microorganisms, soil physicochemical properties, and crop growth. The results of different control experiments are integrated and effects of alkaline soil amendments, biochar, and organic fertilizers in mitigating soil acidification are discussed. Meanwhile, possible research avenues on soil acidification in farmland which need to be strengthened are prospected.


