
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and warming on soil carbon pool and microbial community composition in a maize-grown Mollisol

  • 摘要: 为研究气候变化对东北农田黑土碳库和相关微生物组特征的影响,本文以东北春玉米连作的黑土为研究对象,利用原位开顶式气候室(OTC)模拟长期大气CO2浓度和温度升高,利用土壤物理分级技术将土壤有机碳(SOC)分组为颗粒(POC)和矿质结合有机碳(MOC),并通过16S rRNA高通量测序分析土壤细菌微生物群落结构,探讨气候变化影响黑土碳库稳定性的微生物作用机制。结果表明,与CK相比,连续12年大气CO2浓度和温度升高没有改变SOC总量,但影响其周转率。温度升高显著增加了细颗粒有机碳(fPOC)的含量,CO2和温度同时升高降低了MOC含量。CO2浓度 升高并未影响fPOC和MOC含量。温度或CO2浓度升高显著改变了细菌群落结构,温度升高增加苔藓杆菌属(Bryobacter)的相对丰度,CO2浓度升高增加了革兰氏阴性菌硝化螺旋菌属(Nitrospirae)的丰度。长期大气CO2浓度和温度同时升高增加硝化螺旋菌属(Nitrospirae)的丰度,该菌属丰度的增加可能会进一步影响SOC稳定性。


    Abstract: In this study, we used the open top climate chamber (OTC) to simulate the long-term elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and warming. The soil samples were fractionated into cPOC (coarse particulate organic C), fPOC (fine particulate organic C) and MOC (mineral-associated organic C). The change of soil microbial community diversity was analyzed by 16SrRNA high-throughput sequencing, and the mechanism of long-term elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and warming on soil carbon conversion in dry farming soils was explained. The results showed that 12-yr consecutive climate change did not change the total soil organic carbon, but the turnover rate of soil organic carbon was significantly accelerated. Warming significantly increased fPOC, but decreased MOC. Long-term warming significantly increased the relative abundance of Bryobacter, and this genus was positively correlated with MOC. Long-term elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration did not significantly change the contents of fPOC and MOC. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration changed the soil microbial community, and significantly increased the abundance of Gram-negative bacteria Nitrospirae. Long-term elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and warming increases the turnover rate of SOC, while changes in community structure or genus abundance would further affect SOC stability.


