
Responses of nitrogen/phosphorus utilization and partitioning in potassium high-efficiency vegetable soybeans to low potassium condition

  • 摘要: 钾高效型菜用大豆对钾(K)素及干物质的利用分配效率更高,但此过程中氮(N)、磷(P)元素在植株中如何分配利用并不清楚。为探究低钾条件下菜用大豆N、P元素的积累和分配是否因K效率类型不同而呈现差异,本研究以不同钾效率类型菜用大豆为研究材料,设置低钾0 kg(K2SO4)∙hm−2(K0)和正常施钾120 kg(K2SO4)∙hm−2(K120)两种处理,比较了植株营养器官和籽粒中的N、P、K含量和积累量的变化分配。结果表明,低钾降低了菜用大豆植株营养器官及籽粒中N、P、K元素的积累量,但是增加了植株营养器官的N、P相对含量。低钾降低了菜用大豆植株营养器官K/N和K/P,尤其以钾高效型材料降幅更大,但在籽粒中差别不大。同时,钾高效型菜用大豆植株营养器官N/P相比于钾低效型材料更低,植株中P元素相对含量的增加在帮助根系吸钾、固氮方面可能发挥作用。低钾条件下,钾高效型菜用大豆的N、P、K收获指数均高于钾低效型材料。从源-库转化的角度来看,钾高效型菜用大豆对营养元素的平衡利用的核心是优先保证籽粒养分供应。本研究为N、P、K协同高效型菜用大豆品种选育提供了参考依据。


    Abstract: Vegetable soybean varieties with high potassium (K) efficiency exhibit increased efficiency in K and dry matter utilization and partitioning. However, the partitioning and utilization of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in plants during this process are little known. This study aims to investigate potential differences in the accumulation and partitoning of N and P in vegetable soybeans under low K conditions based on different K efficiency types. Using various K efficiency varieties of vegetable soybeans and setting two treatments of low K 0 kg(K2SO4)·hm−2, K0 and normal K application 120 kg(K2SO4)·hm−2, K120, the study compared changes in N, P, and K concentrations and accumulation in both vegetative organ and seed of the plants, as well as their distribution patterns. Results indicated that low K levels reduce the accumulation of N, P, and K in the vegetative and reproductive organs of vegetable soybeans but increase the concentration of N and P in the vegetative organs. Furthermore, the low K condition reduces the K/N and K/P ratio of the vegetative organs, particularly in K high-efficiency varieties, but exhibits little difference in the seeds. Additionally, compared to K low-efficiency vegetable soybean varieties, the N/P in K high-efficiency vegetable soybeans is lower. The increased P relative content might be linked to improved root K uptake and nitrogen fixation. Notably, under the low K condition, the harvest index of N, P, and K is higher in K high-efficiency vegetable soybeans compared to K low-efficiency varieties. From a source-sink perspective, K high-efficiency vegetable soybeans prioritize ensuring nutrient supply to seeds through balanced nutrient utilization. This study offers a foundational reference for breeding nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium synergistic high-efficiency vegetable soybean varieties.


