To explore the effects of different environments and genotypes in Yunnan on the grain yields of faba bean, we investigated the grain yield changes of twelve cultivated varieties under seven different planting environments including Baoshan, Chuxiong, Dali, Kunming, Lijiang, Qujing and Yuxi in 2018 and 2019. The results show that there is significant interaction effects between environment and genotype on grain yield of faba bean. The contribution rate of variation to grain yield of environment and genotype is 54.4% and 4.8%, respectively; while the contribution rate of variation to grain yield of the interaction effects between environment and genotype is 10.2%. A significant grain yield difference existed in different locations with a grain yield variation of 2.18 - 5.28 t·hm
−2, and the Dali is with the highest average grain yield while Qujing is with the lowest average grain yield. Similarly, a significant yield difference exists among different genotypes with a variation of 3.14 - 3.98 t·hm
−2. Variety Fengdou No.27 has the highest average grain yield while Yundou 1375 has the lowest yield. The response of yield to temperature change is variety dependent. A significant positive correlation between grain yield and the average temperature is found for Fengdou No.27 and Yudou No.1, with the correlation coefficient of 0.11 and 0.12 as well as
P-value of 0.03 and 0.02, respectively. But there is no significant correlation between grain yield and average temperature in other varieties. The environment and genotype are the main sources of faba bean grain yield variation in low latitude plateau of Yunnan Province and the influence of environment on grain yield is greater than genotype. Therefore, the environmental adaptability should be considered preferentially in the faba bean production layout of this area. Only Fengdou No.27 is with a high yield in most planting environments, while other varieties only perform better in a certain planting environment. Baodou No.7, Yidou No.6, Yundou 663, Jingdou 120 and Yudou No.2 are performed well in Baoshan, Chuxiong, Kunming, Qujing and Yuxi, respectively.