
Effects of environment and genotype on grain yields of faba bean under ecological conditions of low latitude plateau

  • 摘要: 为探究云南气候环境条件和不同基因型品种对蚕豆籽粒产量的影响,本研究于2018至2019年在分布于云南省保山市、楚雄市、大理市、昆明市、丽江市、曲靖市和玉溪市的7个不同种植区种植12个育成蚕豆品种,分析了不同种植区各品种的产量差异。结果表明:环境、基因型存在显著互作效应,且对蚕豆籽粒产量有显著影响,对籽粒产量的变异贡献率分别为54.4%和4.8%,两者互作对产量的变异贡献率为10.2%。不同试点间存在显著的产量差异,产量变幅为2.18 ~ 5.28 t·hm−2,平均产量最高和最低的试点分别为大理和曲靖。不同品种间存在显著的产量差异,产量变幅为3.14 ~ 3.98 t·hm−2,平均产量最高和最低的品种分别为凤豆27号和云豆1375。产量对温度变化的响应存在明显的品种间差异,凤豆27号和玉豆1号籽粒产量与生育期平均温度呈显著正相关关系(r=0.11和0.12,P=0.03和0.02),而其余参试品种无显著相关性。在云南省低纬高原生态条件下,环境和基因型是蚕豆籽粒产量的主要变异来源,环境对蚕豆籽粒产量的影响大于基因型。本区域蚕豆生产布局应优先考虑其品种的环境适应性,除凤豆27号在大多数试点均有较佳的产量表现外,其余品种均表现出其优势产量点,如保豆7号、彝豆6号、云豆663、靖豆120和玉豆2号对应的优势高产点分别为保山、楚雄、昆明、曲靖和玉溪。


    Abstract: To explore the effects of different environments and genotypes in Yunnan on the grain yields of faba bean, we investigated the grain yield changes of twelve cultivated varieties under seven different planting environments including Baoshan, Chuxiong, Dali, Kunming, Lijiang, Qujing and Yuxi in 2018 and 2019. The results show that there is significant interaction effects between environment and genotype on grain yield of faba bean. The contribution rate of variation to grain yield of environment and genotype is 54.4% and 4.8%, respectively; while the contribution rate of variation to grain yield of the interaction effects between environment and genotype is 10.2%. A significant grain yield difference existed in different locations with a grain yield variation of 2.18 - 5.28 t·hm−2, and the Dali is with the highest average grain yield while Qujing is with the lowest average grain yield. Similarly, a significant yield difference exists among different genotypes with a variation of 3.14 - 3.98 t·hm−2. Variety Fengdou No.27 has the highest average grain yield while Yundou 1375 has the lowest yield. The response of yield to temperature change is variety dependent. A significant positive correlation between grain yield and the average temperature is found for Fengdou No.27 and Yudou No.1, with the correlation coefficient of 0.11 and 0.12 as well as P-value of 0.03 and 0.02, respectively. But there is no significant correlation between grain yield and average temperature in other varieties. The environment and genotype are the main sources of faba bean grain yield variation in low latitude plateau of Yunnan Province and the influence of environment on grain yield is greater than genotype. Therefore, the environmental adaptability should be considered preferentially in the faba bean production layout of this area. Only Fengdou No.27 is with a high yield in most planting environments, while other varieties only perform better in a certain planting environment. Baodou No.7, Yidou No.6, Yundou 663, Jingdou 120 and Yudou No.2 are performed well in Baoshan, Chuxiong, Kunming, Qujing and Yuxi, respectively.


